School Visit

This has to be the highlight of my Wonder Worming job! I love to go visit the schools and see kids, teachers and staff members eager to learn about worms. I also like to gross them out with some really vivid and cool photos of decomposing food and the red wigglers feasting on it!

Seven Peaks, a beautiful, private school on Bend, recently bought 5 pounds of my earth loving red wigglers. They are creating a school wide composting project to reduce their usable waste and then use the rich organic fertilizer that the worms produce for their community gardens. I will be guiding them on their journey! Stay tuned for future progress.

Day 7: Is This Appealing to YOU?

What an unusual day! Bend got about 4 inches of snow! I did not want to disturb the Red Wigglers but had a bunch of kitchen waste that needed to go some where! Usually if we have a lot of snow, I don’t bother the worms and leave the snow on top of the bins for natural insulation. I felt comfortable about going in the bins because this weeks forecast will be in the mid 60s.

The worm bin bedding is at 50 degrees. It has dropped 12 degrees. When the bedding is at 40 degrees, I will insulate the bin with hay.

I didn’t think the worms would be this active. I pulled away the watermelon which was very, very mushy and saw this!! The worms were underneath feasting on the watermelon. Not much has changed with the other food waste.

I look forward to seeing the change when the temperature rises this week.

Happy Wormin

Day 6: Is This Appealing to YOU?

Yesterday was too cold for me to go outside and check the bins! Seriously the morning temp was 30, and I didn’t want to disturb the worms! So today, Wednesday, I headed out there excited to see their progress. They were busy eating away at all the waste. You can see 2 worms above.

The temperature did drop to 58 in the bin. The water melon is breaking down. Notice the change of color on the rind. It is turning brown.

I spy two worms? Can you? I also spy an egg cocoon! Can you?
I will show you more tomorrow!

Happy wormin

Day 4: Is This Appealing to YOU?

Blah, is all I can say about this one! Well, ick and gross come to mind too! I pulled back the watermelon to see what was going on underneath. The worms do scatter!

Things are moving along rather slowly this week. It may be due to the cooler weather we have been having! Wow today at 6p.m. it was 45! Yikes, fall is here. The worms are slowing down for sure. I still think this mush will be gone in a week!

see ya tomorrow!

Day 3: Is This Appealing to YOU?

Welcome to Day 3! Not much has changed in Bin #1, except there was a cute visitor hanging out on a watermelon! My daughter got a kick out of seeing him and called him a snail. I think she is right, or is it a slug??

Seeing this little guys made me smile. He too is enjoying the nice, juicy watermelon along with my Red Wigglers.

Let’s hope for some more change tomorrow. Change that is worth photographing! or maybe a cute visitor?!