Pumpkins=Happy Red Wigglers

Calling all Halloween Jack-O-Lantern and rotting pumpkin owners!

When you are tempted to toss your icky pumpkins into the trash can, don’t! STOP and think about other options.

1. toss them into the corner of your backyard.
2. toss them into your compost pile.
3. toss them into your worm bin!!!
and if these options don’t work for you, GIVE THEM TO THE WONDER WORMAN!!! (if you are local)

Pumpkins are 100% biodegradable. When added to your compost pile, you will have rich fertilizer for the spring! A huge bonus, if you have a worm bin, the worms will have a Halloween treat too! They love, love, love pumpkins! I can’t stress that enough!


Is this appealing to YOU?

Probably not, I am sure of that, but to my red wigglers this is heaven on a stick. The nastier the better. They will devour this mess of mush in about 2 weeks, and I will keep track of this for the week. I am home for a week from my “other” job due to a surgery so I need a Wonder Worman project to keep me busy. I have decided to document the progress of bin #1.

Not sure if you can tell what all of this is???
– 3/4 of a watermelon
-3 coffee filters
-carrots…not sure how many
-cabbage leaves…from my garden (which the deer have eaten…another blog for that one)
-apple core and some egg shells
I shall see how long this takes. I just threw the waste on top of the bedding and have covered the food with large sheets of newspaper. I will be back tomorrow to show another picture. Happy worming!!!

Flowers of my Labor

Tending to my Super Composting Red Wigglers has its perks for sure. Throughout Spring, Summer, and early Fall I harvested much of my Red Wiggler castings, some of which I sold, but most of it was used for my indoor and outdoor plants.

Red Wiggler compost is perfect for pretty much any type of plant or garden and really does a great job providing the proper nutrition and drainage to the soil, which in-turn produces great results for anything growing in that soil.

Red Wiggler Late Summer Snacks

Pumpkin PatchPumpkins, Squash, Gourds… Oh My!!!
Soon they will be springing up all over town. Here’s a shot of some pumpkins from my mini pumpkin patch garden! Sometime in late October when this little guy is big, round and orange, he will be carved up and made into a Wonder Worman Jack-O-lantern! Of course, nothing will go to waste – every part of the pumpkin will go right back to my Super Composting Red Wigglers. Yum! It’s like pumpkin pie for my Super Composting Sidekicks!

What’s on the Menu for Red Wigglers?

What’s on the menu today for Wonder Worman’s Super Composting Red Wigglers? There’s Red Leaf lettuce, banana peels, strawberries, oats, pasta, rice and spinach, among other things – Food scraps from the last couple of days. If you have kids and are looking for ways to get them even more excited about having Red Wigglers, make a project out of feeding your worms by creating a “soup” out of food that would normally go to waste – but still a good source of food for your Red Wigglers (Moldy bread? Bring it on! Rusty Lettuce? Yum!). Before putting this mix into the bin, add a bit of water to prevent any moisture from being absorbed by the mix from the existing bedding. Bon Appetit!