Cleaned out the Fridge!

I try to clean out the veggie drawer weekly (lately it’s more monthly) and remove the yucky fruits and veggies that are beginning to look like a science project! This week wasn’t so bad. I suppose we have been eating a lot of fruits and veggies or maybe I didn’t buy enough!

Rotting iceberg and red leaf lettuce and mushy grapes are now being eaten by my red wigglers. No matter how bad they look to us, the worms don’t mind one bit. The nastier the better as long as there isn’t a rotting smell because it will continue to smell in the bin.

Putting an active "Little a" to work!

My sweet, “Little a” went to work pulverizing eggshells for our red wigglers. Eggs shells contain calcium which the worms need to survive and to help with reproduction. Being a red wiggler merchant, this is important to me. I need to have the perfect environment for the worms to reproduce. If the worms have too much calcium, they have a gland unique to their species. The calciferous gland is located in their digestive tract. This helps regulate the amount of calcium in their blood.

The calcium in the bedding also helps balance the ph. Calcium will bring the ph to neutral, neither acidic or basic. The ideal composting conditions.
Many vermicomposters have shared there is no need to worry about adding too many egg shells if you eat eggs daily.

I didn’t take a picture of the final product. It was a bit finer than what you see here. This is really close, though. I then took the bag out to my Wonder Worman bin and sprinkled it on top and then gently mixed it in about an inch.
Thanks for your help “Little a”
Happy Wormin’

Dinner for the family and of course, the red wigglers!!!

Tonight, as a request from the family, I made a favorite dish.

Sausage, peppers, onions and garlic on a loaf of fresh bread with melted cheddar cheese is a very filling, non diet type meal, but oh man is it tasty!

While I was washing the peppers, I thought about writing this blog to show the scraps that would be fed to the worms.
As I am typing this, I have to avoid looking at the picture because I am so full and the sight of the sausage is making my stomach turn. I am not much of a sausage eater and decided a few recipes ago to change from pork to turkey. In this dish, you really can’t taste the difference. I think the veggies mask the flavor.
So after all of the slicing and dicing, this is what is left for the red wigglers. There is the onion’s top and bottom and a bit of its outer layer. Although many vermicomposters say to avoid onions, I have found that maybe one onion a week is not so bad.
There is also the center and top stem of the peppers. When it’s time for me to dump them into the worm bin, I will make sure to get rid of the seeds. Not that the seeds will harm the worms, they won’t eat them and will be left behind in the compost.
I thought it would be cool to share the final, yummy dish. The picture looks odd to me!! Not too appealing, maybe because I ate so much of it and I am full!!
On a side note, not worm related, I grew up eating this awesome sandwich at Italian Feasts on Long Island many, many years ago. So many memories come rushing back each time I start cooking!
Till next time, Happy Wormin’

Back to where it all began!

Just a quick photo blog today! The mystery plant returning to the bin. Please refer to yesterdays blog if you’re confused.

I yanked up the plant. Check out the length of the roots!
Broke the roots off so it wouldn’t continue growing in the bin!
There was a veggie growing. I’m thinking it was a pumpkin.
I decided to break the vines into pieces to help the worms out a bit.
Back to where the seed started! Happy feasting wigglers! It’s your turn now!!!

Mystery Veggie Chomped by Deer?!

From this………

A beautiful, lush, healthy looking veggie believed to be a pumpkin plant.
To this……….
A sickly, devoured, bunch of twisted mess which was a tasty treat for some creature that’s lurking the alleys of Awbrey Road!
After blogging about this mystery veggie a month ago, I got a kick out of watching it grow. Every morning, I would check for a sign, letting me know what “it” was going to be. Would it sprout some pumpkins, watermelons or squash? Whatever was to come would be cool cause this all started from a seed from the wiggler’s compost. A seed that was left behind from either a pumpkin, watermelon, or squash. Wigglers don’t care for the seeds but do love the scraps left around them.
Well, last week I went out and saw this! I was a bit upset but happy to provide a feast for a deer, raccoon or skunk?? Hmm, what’s lurking in our alley at night? At least they were fed! Now, I plan on taking this veggie mess and feed it to the wigglers, bringing it back to where it started! How’s that for recycling?
Happy Wormin’