by Wonder Worman | Apr 20, 2011 | Red Wiggler World
Today I will be loading two Wonder Worman Super Composting Worm Bin packages and heading south to Rosland Elementary School in La Pine. They were granted the resources from the Environmental Center’s Earth Smart Grant to purchase supplies. The Earth Smart Grant is funded by various local organizations and awarded to schools that plan on reducing their waste by either increasing their recycling efforts or composting.
Visiting schools is the best part of my job. The kids are amazing! The smiles, squeals and laughter upon seeing and holding the red wigglers makes my efforts so worth it! Pictures to come soon!
by Wonder Worman | Feb 18, 2011 | Less in the Landfill, Out and About
Today I attended an assembly at Little a’s school, High Lakes. I received an email from her teacher this morning inviting me to see her get an award for positive behavior. I was psyched to go and see the ceremony! I arrived on time, took my seat and waited for her class to arrive in the auditorium.
Remember those days as a kid?! I sure do! I loved assemblies. A change in the schedule meant less work and more time to socialize with your friends. woohoo!
First on the docket was the presentation of the awards. I thought we’d be out soon, but I was soooooooo wrong, BUT pleasantly surprised. The music teacher called a group of 4/5th graders up to the stage to do a Broadway Ensemble!!!! Holy Cow! I was in heaven! NYC! NYC! I couldn’t believe it because just yesterday I wrote a post about a dream job in NYC! So for the next 20 minutes, I was whisked off to NYC, listening to the sounds of the Lion King, Rent, and Wicked! What a show! My toes were tapping and my leg was a-swinging! “Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes! I just can’t wait to be KING!!!” They were terrific…. After the musical, we were dismissed back to our classes. Oh wait!…not me! The kids were dismissed, and I had to wait in the hall until school was over!
While checking the art work and fun stuff, I saw this simple yet effective teacher made poster on the wall! Way to go High Lakes! I love, love, love seeing reminders to recycle. This sign raises the awareness of the students and staff. It makes you think before you toss. This is similar to the sign at Mt.Bachelor except it’s a bit more detailed.
There’s just one item on this list that I want to change! One of Wonder Worman’s missions! Can you find it? I’ll give you about 5 seconds to scan and answer……Ready, Set, GO! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…..Times UP!
I want to move the Food!!!! to the recycling side and create a side that writes “Put in the Compost Bucket!”
Soon, Soon, soon! Patience WW! Patience!!
One school at a time……. (Tumalo Community School is on the horizon)
Maybe I can get an award for displaying patience! ….nah, there’s no time for that!
by Wonder Worman | Nov 13, 2010 | Less in the Landfill, Sidetracks

An empty can which once housed delicious black olives was sitting in the recycling bin before "little a" got her hands on it!

Now it is absolutely gorgeous! Froggers and Polka dots!!

"little a" added her special touch of love
My, lovely, gentle, sweet, kind, father-in-law turned 75 yesterday. “Little a” had made him a few gifts already and was not satisfied. She needed one more! As I was doing my “work stuff”, she was rummaging through the recycling bin under the cabinet. She found a can and decided to make a pen and pencil holder. At first, she was going to cover it with wrapping paper and call it good. I suggested she use the fabric that she bought a few weeks ago. She liked the idea and was off and running to create something special.
She made sure she had all of her supplies.
1) the can
2) some fabric
3) scissors
4) hot glue gun (be so careful with these! ouchy!)
5) a permanent marker
As she was working, I made sure to take pictures. She was recycling!
I was so proud when she gave her grandpa the gift, and he was so honored to have received it! Receiving a home made gift from a child is really special! I was fighting the tears that were building in my eyes as he was opening the gifts from the kids. When he was finished, I scooted to the bathroom and let them flow. I thought I got away undetected, but then there was a knock at the door. Carlos was there and saw that I was crying. He gave me a huge hug. I had to let him know that he has a wonderful, sweet kind dad! I cleaned up my face and headed back to the party! Carlos wasn’t the only one who saw my tears…. (geez, I need to control those things!) My sister-in-law, Patty, was standing there and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear “There’s nothing better than this. This right here is as good as it gets!” I couldn’t agree more! The love from family members is so freakin’ overwhelming sometimes!