Excited to see what happens with the SunChips bag!

I am pumped and ready to put the SunChips bag to the challenge.  I am not too concerned with the amount of time it will take for the bag to be completely composted.  I am more focused on the hope that it will just break down into usable compost.

As an avid composter for about 6 years, I know all of the right conditions need to be present for the optimum breakdown to occur, adding the right amount of brown and green waste and also reaching the right temperature.  These conditions, I believe only happen in a controlled environment.  The Sunchips bags were tested in a facility which maintained the composting temperature at 130 degrees Fahrenheit.  The bags broke down in about 12-16 weeks.  Realizing a home composter would not have access to those conditions, the SunChips testers mimicked a home composting bin and added browns and green waste to the SunChips bags.  The bags broke down in about 13 weeks.  They also conducted an Industrial Composting Standards test which is way beyond my backyard so I am not going to discuss all that they did…….
Basically, they passed a rigorous test protocol conducted by Cedar Grove in Seattle, Washington.

So, I am going to try two different composting methods, maybe even 3, depending on SunChip cravings!
1)  Red Wiggler composting Bin
2)  Backyard compost pile
3)  Compost tumbler

All of these are already set up with brown and green waste.  Temperatures will vary among the three.

I am thrilled SunShips created this compostable bag and am excited to see the results.

Happy Wormin’

Getting started w/ Vermicomposting

Before picking up your Red Wigglers, make sure you have a place for them to live. Either an indoor or outdoor bin will do. The choice is up to you and your household needs. There are many options. You can purchase pre-fabricated plastic worm bins or make one yourself out of plastic or wood. Plastic bins are easy to set up and will last a long time. If you do decide to make a bin out of a store-bought plastic container, keep in mind Red Wigglers create a lot of moisture so make sure there are holes on the sides and bottom to allow for ventilation and drainage. Wonder Worman has used plastic bins in the past, but now prefers to use wooden bins for their ability to absorb moisture and overall ease of maintenance.

Both types of bins provide a home for your Red Wigglers to thrive in. The choice is really a matter of space available and amount of waste you can provide them.

For more information on getting started with your worm bin go here.