the result of doing "it"

See that little tiny yellow speck that looks like a mini lemon. See it? See it?

Do you know what it is? huh? huh? come on do ya? do ya?
If you have a worm bin, maybe you’ve seen it before.
Well if you’re still at a loss and you’ve never laid eyes on it in your entire life, I bet you have an idea…just by the title of the blog.
It’s the result of doing “it”, making whoopie in the worm world. Red Wigglers, as with other worms, are hermaphrodites. They have both male and female parts and need each other to reproduce. I have seen this in action, and it is really cool. They actually form a love knot. After doing “it”, they each leave behind a cocoon.
After 3-4 weeks, about 5-10 worms will hatch from the cocoon. Then these babies will be reproducing new compost eating, earth saving creatures in 2-3 months and the cycle will start again.
Thought it would be cool to share this with ya! and don’t worry you won’t have worms crawlin’ out of your bin…they self regulate their population. They determine their space and reproduce accordingly!
Happy wormin’

Red Wigglerism – Did you know…

Red Wigglers are hermaphrodites. Which means, they have both male and female reproductive organs. Although they have both organs, they still need each other to mate. Being around these magnificent creatures, I have witnessed this amazing procedure. They actually form a knot, a “love knot”. While knotted up, a mucus forms around the band, the clitellum. The mucus contains sperm, and the sperm is deposited in the microscopic sac located underneath the clitellum. As days past, the mucus will harden and form a cocoon. The Red Wiggler will then back it’s head out of the clitellum and the cocoon will be deposited into the bedding.

I am learning new facts about my sidekicks every day. I search internet sites and would like to credit: and