Happy Earth Day

I am ready to start my day and am very grateful for many things this morning. Earth Day, in my mind, is a time to reflect on what I have been given. I am not sure if many people believe that the Earth and all that she provides is a gift to us. The beauty of this planet is mind blowing. I am often in awe of the seasons and the changes that occur. The falling snow, the wind, the rain and the blooming flower.

For a moment, think of the something humbling that Mother Earth has given to you! I am sure it will not be hard.
Remember take only what you need and put back what you don’t.

Diary of a Worm

This is such a wonderful, sweet, happy, adorable kid’s book. It’s actually a book for anyone who wants to laugh and learn some cool info about worms.

Doreen Cronin writes informative info about worms and how much they have to offer in such a fun way. The book is written in a diary format. Harry Bliss has amazing illustrations, and is able to make a worm look “cute”!!! I’m all about the cute factor.
So if you have time, and you’re looking for a fun, easy read for yourself, your kids or your students. Pick up the book!!!
Forgot to mention, I do read this book to the students when I visit Bend’s Schools. Enjoy!!! Click below to buy the book at Powells.