From Farm to School

Back to School Night at Cascade Middle School was fun and insightful. Carlos and I joined what felt like millions of parents in the gym to get the beginning of the year info from the principal.  After a review of last year’s test statistics and this year’s goals, we were set free to Max’s first period.  For an hour, we followed Max’s daily schedule.  Each class was about 5 min with 3 min passing periods.  We even went to the cafeteria to sample some of the school food which was actually really, really good!  Chicken Poppy Salad, fresh veggies, and fruit were served by a super sweet cafeteria lady.  It was such a difference from my middle school days!  Gone are the days of cardboard frozen pizza and mystery meat sandwiches.  Clam chowder in bread bowls, baked beef ziti, terriyaki chicken and brown rice, chili, hummus, black bean burgers, hamburger bar, and spaghetti bar are just a few items on the menu. The kids have many, many choices healthy choices.  With each main meal, there is a side of fruits and vegetables.  All of the fruits and veggies are from local growers, and the beef is from local farms.  Carlos and I were really impressed and happily surprised!  Way to go nutrition services.

Here are some highlights from the brochure.

– whole wheat and grains are used

-trans-fats have been eliminated

-low-fat cheese and milk

-only fruits and veggie can be “super sized”

-breads are baked at the high school

– ooooh they even have a panini machine!

Now to get them composting with Red Wigglers!


Yummy Strawberries

Wow!  Our strawberries are so tasty.  This year, I didn’t tend the garden as much as last year.  We bought the strawberry starters last year and incorporated the soil with 40 pounds of worm castings.  Unfortunately we forgot to put up a screen to keep the critters away, and they had a feast. This season, I top dressed the garden with 2 inches of worm castings.  As you can see, we didn’t put up a screen to keep away the deer.  I am not sure why they haven’t been in our yard.  I’m thinking the dogs in the hood have kept them away!  Any way, WE have been enjoying the berries.

This morning the kids decided to wash the car so I went to get them set up. While they were arguing about the hose, the soap, the sponges…blah, blah, blah….I went to the garden, grabbed some berries and shoved them into their mouths!  It helped for a few seconds….. Then I got my phone and snapped these pictures.



Spin Kitchen

So happy to share the news!  My sweet friend, Kristin Davis, is running her own baking company, Spin Kitchen.  After a few years of battling food issues, she decided to get down to business and find out what was going on inside her body!  She recently had some serious tests done and discovered she had to make a change with her menu.  Not happy with the food alternatives in the stores, she ventured out, bought some cookbooks and began baking delicious goods.  Her goods are free of a lot of “stuff”…. gluten free and dairy free are on the top of the list.  There’s nothing artificial, and I can pronounce the ingredients! (lol) I am so lucky to be her friend because I get to taste test a lot of the baked goods! I love that Kristin tweaks the recipes and adds her own twist.  She’s not afraid to try something different and is always open to suggestions! I am so happy for her!  She will rock the Bend baking scene!

She also has a Wonder Worman Worm bin filled with wigglers!  Of course these wigglers will be munching on her fruit and veggie scraps.  Oh to be a worm in a test kitchen!