Go organic as much as possible

There are many articles written about organic foods and clothing.  They all stress the importance of choosing organic products and the risk involved if you don’t.  Pesticides, hormones and antibiotics rank the highest in nonorganic products.

Today I read an article on health.com, and I’d like to share it with you.  In summary, the article lists 11 items that should be organic.  Celery surprised me.  I knew strawberries, milk and beef are important but didn’t think celery would be high on the list.

Read here to see the full list.


Total Fail…Lazy and sick fail!

What a day!  What a past 4 days!  What a past 2 weeks!  My chest is infested with germs…icky, sticky, slimy germs.  This all started last week after subbing at a preschool for 2 weeks (will save that for a later post).  The sweet little kids gave me hugs and smiles and also passed along their germs.  I started to get the sick feeling on Wed but pushed myself through it.  The tingling in my throat went away, and my head started to clear up. I thought for sure I was on the mends and was able to start the Spring Break festivities with the kids. On the agenda for the next four days, Snowboarding Camp from 10-3!  This was my excuse to hit the powder.  But on the second day, I started to get an annoying tickle in my throat.  Kinda felt like something was rubbing on the back of my throat.  I thought once again that I will push through this, too.  I actually don’t think I ever pushed through the first round. After 2 days of uncontrollable coughing and night time coughing into the pillow so I wouldn’t wake Carlos, Carlos decided to call the doctor!  (Guess the pillow didn’t work!)

My appointment was at 4:30…diagnosis…Bronchitis.  I had two prescriptions in hand and was off to Safeway. I asked the doctor to give me some meds that will knock me out and cease the cough!  I love meds like that and can’t wait to take it soooon!  So I’d like to share what came home with me.

The title of my post is Total Fail….Lazy and sick fail!  I am sure you can see from the picture why it has this title!  If not, here’s a clue!

Here are the plastic bags in the car next to………my recycled bags!  I realized I didn’t have them about half way though the parking lot!  Normally, I would have returned to the car to get them, but …DANG!  I was just tooooo DANG lazy!  and tooooo sick…more lazy than sick actually! I limited my shopping list so I wouldn’t be using too many plastic bags.  Any way, I wanted to share my fail with you!  not sure why…..hmmm!

Ways to use the plastic bags:

Bring them back to the store and recycle them there…

Use them to pick up the dog poop

What do you use yours for????




Oh where, oh where has the Worman gone? oh where, oh where can she be?

I am hooked!   Mt Bachelor once again has stolen my mind, body and blogging soul.  He has taken all of the wigglin’ out of me.  I can’t focus on writing a worman post because whenever he’s covered with freshies I’ve gotta get my share.  So for the past 2 days, I’ve been riding with the kids, riding with friends, riding with Carlos and riding solo.

I will get back to work soon.  I promise.  Maybe tomorrow when I am up there, I will find some wigglin’ inspiration!

Help Japan!

After the devastating earthquake and tsunami and now the fear of a terrible nuclear meltdown, my husband Carlos was creatively inspired to create this beautiful (yet sad) poster to promote awareness into giving help to Japan.   I am aware of a few donation sites out there in cyberspace, but not too sure of their credibility.  So please be careful where you make your donations.

I took this directly from a site where Carlos has shared his poster.

A bit of a segue this week from iPhoneography. I’ve designed a poster to help raise funds for the relief efforts going on now in Japan. I had spent some time Friday sketching – took a break and continued yesterday – or wait -Sunday – it’s already Tuesday – aye. So I finished it up and modified my site a bit to facilitate the purchase of this poster – All proceeds from the sale of this poster will go to help the people in Japan.

If you’ve already made a donation – great! If you are thinking about it, and maybe would like to get a cool poster for your efforts, here you go. :^)

Here is a link to his site.  All of the proceeds of the sale of his poster will go to Global Giving Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief fund. You can also make a donation on the site also.  Thanks for helping!

Recycle yourself!

Recycle plastics, recycle batteries, recycle paper, recycle…kidneys

While walking home from the post office, this is what I saw!  This is my first time seeing this so I had to snap a picture.  I love this so much and favor organ donation.  If I have viable organs that can help others in need, then take ’em. Don’t let them rot and go to waste. I know they’ll be feeding the bacteria and other organisms as I am decaying in the ground, but they would be better off in someone who needs them!

This is a controversial subject and some object to organ donation.  I’ve come across opponents who believe there are ambulance chasers who pay top dollar for organs and bid for them as you are being “cared for”.  I believe in the best in people and hope that everyone has good intentions.  I just don’t believe the doctor would stop trying to save the patient!  It just doesn’t make sense to me……

I would love to know what you think!